Saturday, June 23, 2007

The Best Informaiton on Acne scar

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Rosacea Facial Cleanser

The facial cleansers which are the best for treating rosacea are those that do not do any drying out of the skin. Stress is one thing that irritates rosacea and makes it worse in the long run. Another realization among dermatologists is that rosacea is prevalent in people who blush readily. Therefore, they conclude, there has to be a connection between rosacea and a redness or reddening of the skin. As this is an indication of irritation caused by excessive dryness (or supposed to be), facial cleansers used to treat the disease should be as moisturizing as possible.

So, the facial cleanser that you use if you have rosacea should be very gentle and not cause any sensations of burning or surface irritation. Instead, the cleanser should rid the skin of excess oils and dirt particles. Using such a facial cleanser should be done on a daily basis, and after the washing the face should be patted dry. You should not use a facial cleanser that has fragrance as these typically contain stearic acid or alcohol.

Look for ingredients such as aloe vera, flower extracts, vitamin E, vitamin C, and de-ionized water. These make cleansers anti-fungal, anti-biotic, anti-oxidant, and anti-inflammatory. A nicely mixed facial cleanser sinks deep into the pores and cleans out the skin deeply, leaving no trace of toxins, sebum, infectious bacteria, and so on and so forth. At the same time, these facial cleansers moisturize the skin from deep within and thus reduce the harsh redness, the flaking, and the leathering of your skin.

Also, when applying a facial cleanser, it is best to slowly massage how to get rid of acne creams it into the skin gently with circular rubbing motions of the fingertips. In this way you really put the cleanser underneath the skin where it does far and away the most good.




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